I'm thrilled to take part in World Read Aloud Day (WRAD) 2022! Authors and illustrators are excited to meet with introduce themselves and do a short read aloud on Wednesday, February 2, 2022.
Teachers and librarians, set aside 15-20 minutes on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 to meet with an author! After the visit, plan to follow up with your students to review how that author inspired them.
Author visits are also more effective when teachers introduce their students to the author BEFORE the author visit by reading one of their books. I hope you'll do this.
Please note: WRAD is not intended to be a back-to-back author visit for the same class all day. Instead, it's meant to be a way for students to meet an author and connect with them briefly. Authors meet with various classes throughout the day, but WRAD is designed to spread the author love with students meeting with just one author. One teacher might have different classes of students during the day and sign up more than once.
Like most participating authors, I'm available to use the platform your school requires. Please note that I have used various meeting platforms, but may need tech assistance. When possible, I arrive a few minutes before our scheduled time to make sure I can log on.
If you're interested in finding an author to meet with, you'll want to visit Kate Messner's blog. If your first choice author isn't available at the time you need them, try another author. (It sometimes takes a few tries.) https://katemessner.com/virtual-author-visit-read-alouds-for-world-read-aloud-day-2022/
If you are interested in meeting with me, you may sign up through Sign-Up Genius.
Be prepared to share a link for me to use on WRAD. If no times are left or if you are outside of the United States, you may email me to chat about my availability. Or talk to me about an in-person or virtual author visit. (Tight budget? No budget? Check out this post about how to pay for an author visit.
I look forward to hearing from you!
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