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Invite Annette to Speak to Your Group

Many of my readers know I love to do author visits at schools and teach at writing conferences. But I want you to know I also talk to general adult groups

Please keep reading to learn more about how I might serve your community. 

Who are you, Annette? Here's a short bio. 
Annette Whipple celebrates curiosity and inspires others through her words—written and spoken. She challenges people to live with curiosity, wait with wonder, and raise readers in a world of screens. She is a speaker and children’s author of a dozen books. However, the people who know Annette best think of her as a wife and mom, former teacher, nature lover, chocolate chip cookie baker (and sometimes burner), people-loving introvert who lives in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

If you are curious to know more, read about me here

What do you talk about? 
I cover a variety of topics. My signature topics are 
  Raising Readers
  Waiting with Patience
  Celebrate Curiosity
  Real-Life Revisions
  Laura Ingalls Wilder
  The Creative Calling

You can read short blurbs about my presentations here. And, of course, I can personalize my presentation for your group.

Who do you talk to?
Some of the groups I speak to are multi-generational audiences. Others are women. Some are parents and caregivers. I share in libraries, churches, and community centers. Some are faith-based groups, but many are general audiences. 

If a conversation will help you to know if I'd be a good fit for your group, just email me and we'll set up a time to talk.

What do audiences say? (See more here and here.) 
“Heads were nodding in agreement as Annette spoke. She is an engaging speaker and very relatable to her audience. She effectively speaks to her point in an engaging and fun way!”  
- Nancy Miller, Assistant Teaching Director, Southern Chester County CBS 

“Your passion and love of learning, reading, and writing was very evident in your enthusiasm as you spoke, and we all thoroughly enjoyed your visit! I just wanted to reach out and let you know that your excitement for learning was contagious and impactful and very much appreciated by little growing minds and their families!” 
- Sarah Ferron, Attendee 

 "The first time I heard Annette speak, I was struck by two things: how easy it was to listen to her and how much enthusiasm she has…An articulate and energetic speaker, Annette's love of teaching and desire to benefit others with her own experience came through loud and clear. I found her excitement contagious!" 
- Sara Matson, Attendee

Where are you located?
I live in the southeast corner of Pennsylvania (known as southern Chester County), just a couple of miles from Maryland and Delaware. I do travel to speak but also recognize that not all budgets allow for that.

How can I tell others about you?
I'd love for you to let your group organization know I'm available to serve your community. Maybe you're part of a MOPS group or Rotary Club. Or maybe your church hosts ladies' breakfasts. I'd love to come. 

You can share this website with them. Or you can print this flyer about my speaking events. I created it because I know it's sometimes easier to share something printed with others. 

I also provide author visits, professional development workshops, family literacy events, as well as other presentations. 

Thanks so much for your interest! I look forward to talking to you and learning how I can serve your group.

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