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Author Visits

Nonfiction author Annette Whipple provides author visits to celebrate curiosity and excite children about reading and writing. She designs her programs to meet curriculum standards while providing unique programs for each audience. She's an experienced classroom teacher and has been presenting science, history, and writing workshops and author visits since 2015. Annette lives in Pennsylvania and also visits schools in Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. She was named the 2025 Outstanding Pennsylvania Author by the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association.

Annette offers both in-person and virtual visits to schools, libraries, conferences, and private groups. 

Get all of Annette's author visit details in an 
easy-to-read guide. 

(The same information is available by scrolling down.)
Your passion and love of learning, reading, and writing was very evident in your enthusiasm as you spoke and we all thoroughly enjoyed your visit! I just wanted to reach out and let you know that your excitement for learning was contagious and impactful and very much appreciated by little growing minds and their families!                                          - Family Literacy Night Parent, Wisconsin


Annette loves to share the joys--and challenges--of reading and writing. She adapts her programs for the age and needs of the audience. A presentation for second graders is different than a presentation on the same topic for sixth graders. 

She also provides family literacy programs and professional development workshops for educators in addition to presentations for writers. Annette lives in Pennsylvania (very close to Maryland and Delaware) and is willing to travel for author presentations. 

Please contact Annette to discuss how school visits and programs can be altered or even created to fit your group's needs. Schools, libraries, homeschooling, conferences, and private groups are welcome! 

Scroll down to see Annette's most popular author visit programs. Contact Annette to discuss how she can best meet your group's needs.

What can you expect? Check out these testimonials.  

Explore Annette's Nonfiction Books.

Learn about Annette's Virtual Author Visits.

Learn about Annette's Professional Development 
for Educators and Writers.

Use Annette's Teacher Guides.

Nonfiction: Facts Are Fun author visit

In-Person Author Visits

These programs are typically for school-aged children. Most can be adapted to virtual visits. You are also welcome to suggest different programming. All programs are updated to meet your group's needs.

Annette's Most Popular Program
Unless you request a different program, Nonfiction: Facts Are Fun will be the program I present.
Nonfiction: Facts Are Fun Grades K-6+
Annette shares with children the excitement and discovery process of nonfiction writing. Using her writing process as an example, she answers some of kids' big nonfiction questions. Where do ideas come from? How do you research? How does it become a book? Children catch the nonfiction excitement for themselves and learn cool stuff! The core message is the same for all audiences, but the message is adjusted for different grade levels. 

More Writing Programs (with limited availability depending on my schedule)
The Write Way Grades 3 and up, (similar program for educators)
How does a writer create a story? Annette shares her tips for creating an interesting nonfiction story in this interactive program. Brainstorming, fact-finding, and writing are the beginning of a story. Revisions make it fantastic! This is also highly successful as a multi-day classroom program. (A companion professional development workshop is also available.)  

History and Science Programs
Celebrate Curiosity Grades 4 and up (adaptable for younger grades)
Asking questions leads to more thinking and better writing. Annette guides students to celebrate their personal curiosity and become myth busters as they focus on the research process.  Annette encourages students to celebrate their curiosity about science and history in this interactive and informative trivia program while sharing the importance of research. 
Insects Make WHAT?!
 Grades 3 and up
You know about honey and silk, but what else do we use that insects make? Insects play a big role in the products people use. Join Annette as she teaches about surprisingly useful insects and their hard, colorful, sweet, and soft products in this interactive children’s program including game show-style audience participation. 
Bugs and Blooms Grades K-3
Flowers make seeds and insects help them. Insects need the sweet nectar found in flowers. Flowers and insects are both necessary for people. Annette explores flowers and insects and how their design promotes pollination and interdependence. Groups of less than 20 can dissect flowers. 
Laura Ingalls Wilder: Beyond the Prairie Girl Grades 3 and up 
Annette engages all generations in the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder as she discusses how the pioneer girl we read about in the Little House books became an author and about the adult life of Laura Ingalls Wilder. (This is also a popular program for a multi-generational audience.)
Pioneer Childhood Grades 1-6
What was it like to be a child on the American frontier? Annette engages the audience about westward expansion, education, play, and home life for the pioneer children.
Laura and Wilbur Grades 2 and up
Laura Ingalls Wilder and Wilbur Wright were born in the same year of 1867. Annette helps students connect how Laura and Wilbur went on to do big things that began with their childhoods and still influence us today.

Family Literacy Programs
Celebrate Curiosity
This presentation includes trivia sprinkled with practical advice to help families celebrate the love of reading together.

Learn to Read, Love to Read 
We want our children to read for fun and not just for school. Learn how to choose books to interest your child, as well as practical and creative ideas to foster the fun of reading with your children. Help your child read for the joy of reading. 

Insects Make WHAT?! author visit

Read FAQ here.
What can you expect? Check out these testimonials 
Are school visits worth it? Consider this SLJ article.
Poor school? Small school? You can have an author visit, too
Or check out this newspaper article which featured one of my author visits.

More Author Visit Information
All programs (even assemblies) are interactive! They also meet the Next Generation Science Standards and/or Common Core State Standards. 

Presentations for grades 2+ are typically 45-60 minutes. Kindergarten presentations are about 35 minutes. Length of grade 1 presentations can be 35 or 45 minutes, depending on the recommendation of the host.

I also teach teachers with hands-on professional development workshops. Learn more about my educator workshops(Some schools request these after a school visit. This works well when there is an early dismissal.) 

Virtual Visits

Though I would prefer to be with your students at your school, I'm perfectly happy to engage your students wherever they are from my home. Most of my programs can be adapted to the screen. I work hard to make sure students are engaged virtually. I'm happy to work on the platform of your choosing.

Curious what I'm like in virtual visits? This mini virtual author visit shows you a bit of my energy! This was from World Read Aloud Day where authors set aside the day to meet with multiple schools for 15-20 minutes.
Edna and I are also available for virtual author visits.

When Contacting Annette Whipple about Author Visits...

When you first contact Annette, it's helpful for her to know the following, though you might not have all the answers yet. 
• Preference for an in-person or virtual and preferred platform(s)
• Name and address of the school
• Grades you would like included in the author visit
• Approximate number of children in each session and total number of students
• Any budget concerns

     - Mention if you're interested in professional development for staff or a family literacy night.
     - Do you have a specific month or week you would prefer the visit? Is it flexible? 

2024-2025 Author Visit Fees for Schools 

Please talk to me about your budget concerns. 
I've been able to work with schools with smaller budgets.
 Contact me about pricing for private and homeschool groups.

Preferred Pricing (In-Person) 
Full Day Author Visit 
  $1,300 for a full day of author visits. Travel expenses may apply.
  $1,200 for schools less than 90 minutes from Oxford, PA. Travel expenses may apply. 
Local Half Day Author Visit 
  $800 for two programs, available for schools less than 60 minutes from Oxford, PA.
(Annette lives near Oxford, Pennsylvania--close to Maryland and Delaware.)

Travel Fees

Annette travels from her home near Oxford, Pennsylvania. Travel and lodging fees may be shared between schools.

• Up to 1-hour drive- No travel fees 

• 1-1.5 hour drive- $0.70/ mile (or current IRS rate)

 • 1.5+ hour drive- $0.70/mile travel fee (or current IRS rate) and safe and clean hotel accommodations. Hotel accommodations and mileage may be shared between schools, if applicable.

Up to 1-hour drive- No travel fees

1-1.5 hour drive- $0.70/ mile travel fee (or current IRS rate)

1.5+ hour drive- $0.70/mile travel fee (or current IRS rate or a flight) in addition to safe/clean hotel accommodations. 

(Please note, some 1.5 hour drive times do not require lodging. However most do.) 

Preferred Virtual Pricing

Recording Annette's virtual visits is not allowed. 

Single Basic Presentation- $350. Limited to 150 students. 

Single Premium Presentation- $700. No limit on student participants within one building. 

Additional same-day presentations- $175.

Discounts (Please mention when booking.)

 Discount for multi-school visit:

$100 off for each school when booking more than one school (consecutive days required if a hotel is needed). Travel and lodging fees may be shared between schools.

• Discount for multi-day visit:

$100 off for each day when booking more than one day of visits (consecutive days required if a hotel is needed).

• A different discount may be extended for your unique situation. Please talk to me about your school and budget.

Share travel expenses with another school near you by having me visit two (sometimes three) schools in one day. 

10% OFF and A (Discounted) Book for Every Student 

Purchase a book for every student in your school for $7 each. You may choose any paperback title in The Truth About series (or mix and match), which retail for $8.95. Get a 10% discount from the author visit fee when you buy a book for every student. Inform Annette of your intentions to buy a book for each student prior to signing the contract.

• Please keep in mind that larger sessions make it harder for students to ask questions.
• These rates do not apply to family literacy nights, professional development presentations, or other programs.
• Multi-day discounts available for in-person and virtual author visits. 
• Travel expenses can be shared between schools when booked on consecutive days.

Family/Community Presentation- $500

    One 45-minute presentation is most typical.
Celebrate Curiosity
Annette Whipple sprinkles practical reading advice between trivia questions for the whole family. Together, we celebrate the love of reading and our curiosity. 

Learn to Read, Love to Read 
We want our children to read for fun and not just for school. Learn how to choose books to interest your child, as well as practical and creative ideas to foster the fun of reading with your children. Help your child read for the joy of reading. 

If you are an author or illustrator, visit Cool School Visits for some great advice regarding school visits or meet some regional authors with the KidLit Authors Club